These souvenir philatelic covers are readily available at low cost. This finding may also inadvertently support an inner world. And there were very few of those 4,700 who had any [polar] experience. This disinfo game that saturates both mainstream and alternative media these days, especially on the Internet, has been an extremely effective deep state strategy to keep its dirty little secrets still secret, hidden or skeptically not accepted by a confused public that doesnt quite know what to believe. When considered together, all of these odd cumulative findings and anomalies from Antarctica that keep popping up on a near daily basis beg for definitive answers to questions that can only be attained through open inquiry and thorough investigation. According to Olafur Ingolfsson, a geologist from Iceland, 2% of Antarctica is not covered by any glacier ice at all. Moreover, the forceful Forrestal also strongly opposed globalism and the establishment of the state of Israel. One can see how misleading the above manipulative translation really is designed to have Byrd talking about advanced flight technology when he said nothing of the sort. Ahnenerbe members sought ancient texts raiding libraries and artifacts the world over in places like Tibet and India as well as occupied Russia and Europe. This is a scripted 1950s rerun from a so-bad-its-funny sci fi flick. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Egyptologists and scholars have long believed that the Egyptian Sphynx is far older than 10,000 years old, even up to 800,000 years old. Majestic 12 is the top secret committee comprised of scientists, military leaders and government insiders invited on a need to know basis designated to oversee and conceal all alien phenomena and documentation. Beach has checked this translation against his own, admittedly dormant Spanish, and finds it to be spot on. A & S: What was the significance of Operation Highjump? Billed as a reconnaissance mission to establish the research base Little America IV, the operation hit the high seas in December 1946. He refuses to go public other than using his writing as a confessional and form of self-therapy. Admiral Byrd's 'Diary'. Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service. The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in . Heres a link to the only peer-reviewed research article on this topic I know of. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. It won the 1948 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film.[17]. However, for your future research on the Nazi Antarctic exploits, you might find this interesting and this too This supposed Nazi documentary might be complete baloney, but it seems to have become part of the Neuschwabenland canon, for what its worth. Mounting scientific evidence shows that advanced civilizations from other solar systems both in and out of our galaxy have migrated and interbred with human populations on our earth at least 1.6 million years ago. A closer look at the origin of the so called lost Byrd diary itself also appears to lead to yet another disinformation hustler. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth. They theorize this earth inside ours may be the remnants dating back 4.5 billion years ago prior to the collision of a planet-sized body that resulted in the moon breaking off from our earth. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole. And just a few weeks prior to the French astronauts dramatically delivered dire warning, in late October came the Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow with Inqusitrs sensationalized headline ALIEN UFO INVASION FLEET WILL REACH EARTH IN SEPTEMBER 2017, OBAMA ALLEGEDLY WARNS PUTIN AFTER NASA DETECTED MILES-WIDE ARMADA OF SPACESHIPS THAT ENTERED OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.. Meanwhile, 2016 having thoroughly exposed the crime cabal, now increasingly on the defensive in its feeble effort to censor and withhold the truth, their age of deception is coming to a swift end. This is the abysmally sad and pathetic world were currently living in the Orwellian nightmare of total deception in the name of global genocide. The US supposedly ceased its naval operations on the continent in 1998. Hitler secured the Holy Spear when he annexed Austria although some believe it was a replica and that Himmler may have sent the real deal to Antarctica. This phrase has, in fact, been repeated and repeated with knowing nods to Arctic Nazi UFOs even in Farrell Reich of the Black Sun (2005) who puts the mistranslation next to the original Spanish! A team of scientists from Harvard believe that they have found an ancient earth inside our earth. In total, 29 stories have been published about Buena Park which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Without empirical evidence, what conventional science merely postulates as the truth really is nothing more than theory just as those believing the earth is hollow or flat are each advocating a theory. Greer believes that the so called reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no evil ETs, citing the simple logic that if there were, their advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have destroyed humans a long time ago. Roswell allowed reverse-engineering to aid the black ops programs to begin developing their own antigravity spacecraft. John Lukacs: The Legacy of the Second World War, Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire Ghost Stories, The Wizards, Astrologers, Fairy Seers and Witches of Victorian Liverpool, Hurst, The Victorian Ghosts, Devils and Witches of Northern Bedfordshire,, Pitchforks and Witchcraft in Nineteenth-Century Warwickshire, The Fairy Witch of Carrick-on-Suir: A Nineteenth-Century Fairy Resurrectionist, Victorian Urban Legends: The Smiths and the Rookery, Boggart & Banshee: A Supernatural Podcast, John Higson, South Manchester Supernatural, Le Fanu, Sheridan Le Fanus Scary Fairy Stories, Riddell et al, Ghost Tales of Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire, The Fewston Witches 1621-1623: A Yorkshire Coven, The Witches and Fairies of Nineteenth-Century Ilkley, Young (ed), The Wollaton Gnomes: a Nottingham Fairy Mystery, Young, A Gazetteer of British Mermaid Place-names, 2023 Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog. It was shot down by Congress and Quincys incoming successor Andrew Jackson also poo pooed the idea, figuring fighting off the central banksters was more urgent and important, which he successfully did. [15], On January 21, 1947, Vance N. Woodall died during a "ship unloading accident". Plus, ponder this. When he received flack challenging his contention of a February 1947 Byrd North Pole expedition, his retort in a letter to one of his skeptics was a flippant giveaway: This author cares not a little how you use the name, Giannini. We can infer that he is drawing on his already amazing experiences flying over the Poles and most probably beyond. [5] Paul Siple was the senior U.S. War Department representative on the expedition. If these latest revelations turn out to be true, it would forever change our perception of history. The title of the article was: "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles."link to (secure) When some of them were rescued, they were asked to walk the nine or 10 miles to shore because no airplane could land there to pick them up. Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. There is ample visual evidence available to absolutely prove that the hollow earth theory is indeed reality. Upon his discharge, Billie has attempted to get access to his military records that would provide credibility to his spectacular claims, but the government has strictly sealed his records. While on two reconnaissance occasions, the flight navigation and radio equipment on Byrds aircraft failed while flying over a plush green valley, lakes and rivers free of ice in 70 degree F. temperatures. He also stated that the hollow earth has an inner sun, one ocean and one continent larger than the earths surface landmass. And thats where all this Antarctica secrecy comes in and is going. The following year in 1927, Byrd, Bennett and three others were among several aviator teams that made the first nonstop transatlantic flight from the US to France, though flying solo Charles Lindbergh became the very first. Billie Faye Woodard also corroborates the authenticity of Norwegian fisherman Olaf Jansens story The Smoky God published in 1908. It seems that these are planted messages being spoon-fed to mentally prepare us for another staged war of the worlds scenario, but instead of HG and Orson Wells, its a la deep states rendition. NASAs Operation Ice Bridge has experts believing an ancient civilization once existed under the 2.3 kilometers of ice. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. Major discoveries are forcing the issue. They called it the Phantom Coast because you could never find it. Thanks John! Despite twenty-first century technology that boggles the mind, the terra firma we take for granted walking around on what we call earth is a largely unknown entity. John de Nugent Rick Gomez Park in Buena Park is first in 25 years. Just three weeks later in early March 2016, President Obama traveled south to Patagonia near the tip of Argentina a Drakes Passage away from Antarctica while his head of intelligence James Clapper made the trip to Australia and New Zealand, communicating with the Antarctica station while meeting the two prime ministers. So the name dropping author is a relative of the Bank of America founder. He spoke of daily work tasks like remote viewing and planting thoughts in others heads. King (, given assignments in both the European and Pacific theaters. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine (Of course, I usually avoid any UFO items that include the terms Nazi, Antarctica.). This strange anomaly has fueled speculation over the hollow earth theory. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. Posted by DrHeiser | Apr 10, 2015 | Fringe History & Archaeology, UFO Religions, UFO Sightings, Cases, UFOs as Folklore |. As one example, based on the persuasive efforts of John Cleves Symmes, in 1822 President John Quincy Adams was ready to sign off on lending federal sponsorship to an Arctic expedition exploring the polar opening. Rather than eradicating disease, the elite engages in suppression of cancer cures feeding a corrupt, Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma-healthcare monopoly, poisoning us through mandatory killer vaccines, fluoride in our water, heavy metal aerosols in our air, soil, water, lungs and brains, while maintaining a nonstop policy of war exclusively to benefit the military industrial security prison complex profiteers who loathe us and want us dead or dying, all the while deploying a 24/7 mind control propaganda machine, feeding an insatiable greed that guarantees maximum absolute power, authority and control over the global masses. The film re-enacted scenes of critical events, such as shipboard damage control and Admiral Byrd throwing items out of an airplane to lighten it to avoid crashing into a mountain. Seemingly springing up out of nowhere from the water emerged a number of saucer-shaped craft that exerted a force field shield that appeared to be controlled by anti-gravity UFOs. The very first mention of Byrd flying past the North Pole into a hollow earth is alluded to in a book entitled Worlds beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Earth, published in 1959 by a controversial, self-proclaimed scientist named F. Amadeo Giannini. So lets proceed with an open mind in our inquiry into the hollow earth hypothesis that asserts that the earth is either completely hollow at its inner core, or at the least contains considerable interior space with circular polar openings. Advanced propulsion systems enabled thrust without the need for propellant, seemingly defying conventional Newtonian laws of physics. Weather. Nuff said on that. Something big is going on down in Antarctica or presidents, deep state emissaries, religious leaders, royalty, and legendary astronauts would not be attending. Your email address will not be published. For more on Steven Greer, see:SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction Part III: Mass deception. [1][2] The operation was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Ethan Erik Larson, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Adm. Yet another one of Himmlers peculiar pet projects in his quest to create the perfect Aryan race was allegedly sending 10,000 of the purest Ukrainian woman of German-Slavic descent and 2,500 SS bluebloods from the Russian front to Antarctica in order to breed the future super race in their polar base and alleged city New Berlin being built. The Byrd myth-quote is terribly misleading. Momentums on our side. Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. But by 1956 Washington was long committed to carrying out its sinister policy of secrecy, lies, and even murder to deprive Americans and all of humanity of the truth. Below is one of the most circulated texts in the UFO/conspiracy theory community: then from Joseph Farrells blog. Furthermore, Byrd stated that . This presentation will focus on tangible findings and discoveries that have been historically confirmed and documented, including what is most likely half-truths and disinformation that only spread greater distrust and suspicion amongst the global populace. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. The Secretary of the Navy that sent Byrd down to Antarctica on his 1947 military Highjump mission was James Forrestal, a onetime naval aviator himself, a successful businessman and in September 1947 the first US Secretary of Defense. Going back to my notes, I find that Farrell did mention, in a radio interview I heard on his book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2008), that he thought the stories of Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic underground bases were fabrications of the neo-Nazis. Based on his research, BBC journalist Michael Wood believes that Shambhala lies buried somewhere beneath the Himalayan Mountains. If theres anyone who should know the truth about the poles, and whether theres an opening at each one, its Admiral Richard Byrd. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. JR refers to the article in El Mercurio. Clearly there is increasing evidence that modern science, in its rare, honest form, is catching up to the wisdom of the ancient cultures. NASA even has indirectly admitted that Saturn has a hole at its pole based on its infrared finding of a vortex storm that cannot be held in place without a polar opening depression. They edited many things about it. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. Later, he seems to have changed his mind, at least in part, as evidenced in the previous links I sent. Finn Ronne also financed a private operation to the same territory until 1948. and encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from flying saucers and had to call off the invasion.1 The story is bogus (the UFO part), but gullible researchers have perpetuated this myth. Maria and her Vril girls as psychic mediums communicated with members of an alleged civilization from the Aldebaran solar system located in the Taurus constellation 68light years away. The colonel has said the primary reason he resigned from the Air Force was after learning that many missing children who are abducted and trafficked (those spared from being abused sexually and murdered by the pedophile elite) are taken to Area 51 underground levels to be genetically engineered, programmed and transformed into looking like alien hybrids that will be used to launch a false flag alien invasion of the earth to enable the global controllers to achieve their one world government. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Apart from politics, a huge crack 80 miles long (130 km) and 300 feet deep is currently splitting and spreading across the 2,400 mile continental expanse. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. Today we the global masses have a unique opportunity to bridge and integrate knowledge and truth by synthesizing modern technology with ancient wisdom for the greater good of all humanity. His name was, of course, illustrious, and they wanted to make use of that. China also set up its first air squadron in 2016, ostensibly to support its four research bases. Copies of this bogus diary were sold to make money promoting Byrds hollow earth meme. And theyre still happening. If the earth was a solid sphere, temperatures closest to the Pole would logically be the coldest. A Thule society leader invited two young women who were trance mediums to a meeting. As glaciers recede during warmer months, and increasingly sophisticated, sensitive technology is being used, research operations are no doubt detecting and recovering hidden treasures. Prominent founding members included the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler whose obsession with the occult was pathological. Hanks quotes from a 1947 interview with Byrd, published in a Chilean newspaper, thusly: "The admiral stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that, in case of a new war, the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds." A writer named William Reed published a book called Phantom of the Poles in 1906 based on available Arctic explorer records and scientific research at the time. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. ", The documentary about the expedition The Secret Land was filmed entirely by military photographers (both USN and US Army) and narrated by actors Robert Taylor, Robert Montgomery, and Van Heflin. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". All this sounds so preposterous considering alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe. Lets shift to here-and-now reality. But as much as the powers-that-shouldnt-be have violently dominated and suppressed this alternative world view, Antarctica is at the cutting edge forefront, by the day drawing more global attention from truth seekers around the world. Can't use it as truth. According to Hollow Earth theorists, Byrd met ancient race underground in the Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. Through this alleged alien contact, the Germans launched exploratory searches for esoteric occult knowledge and advanced ET civilizations, piqued by acute interest in the far off frozen land of Antarctica. Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Fast forwarding to the twentieth century and Hitlers passion for utilizing ancient occult knowledge and exploration that he was certain would aid his ambitions promoting his Aryan super race as earths self-anointed rulers, the German dictators undeniable. A week and a half prior to his departure, with 24 other nations Kerry signed a pact banning all private ships and citizens from travel to Antarcticas southern coast for the next 35 years. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. When encountering the press, Byrd tended to be more truthful than his government preferred and just prior to embarking, he openly stated that Highjump was a military expedition to look for some bases.. Immediately following that historic feat, the explorer became the youngest admiral in US naval history at age 41. This view is consistent with conclusions held by scientists studying climate change in Antarctica as well, further reinforced by the maps of the early 1500s that remarkably match todays radar images of present-day subglacial Antarctica. In December 2004, an attempt was made to locate the remains of the plane. Admiral Byrd was famed for going to the North and South Poles and obtaining . Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Of course Harrys dad Charles, Grandpa Philip and virtually the entire royal British bloodline was smitten by the pedophile of the century Jimmy Savile, whos believed to have even pimped child victims for the royal familys consumption. Christianity speaks of Hell being inside the earth. I now make my final entry in this singular diary. The story of Antarctica is the story of secrecy enshrouded in government nondisclosure and cover-up. Shortly after the war through US intelligence services, Operation Paperclip was spawned, granting safe passage for relocation to America more than 1500 German scientists, engineers and skilled technicians for immediate employment. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Quite a contingent. These were also newly released soldiers and sailors from World War II. This land of everlasting mystery as Antarcticas most famous explorer Admiral Byrd calls it, is teeming with recent surprises and discoveries. La velocidad fantstica a la que el mundo se est reduciendo record el Almirante es una de las lecciones ms importantes aprendidas en su reciente exploracin antrtica. Belanger: It was the largest naval expedition ever in Antarctica. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. They clearly show a gaping concave hole over the North Pole. Woodard states that using touch control indentations, with his mind alone, he piloted the motion and velocity of the craft capable of making right turns at incredible speeds without incurring any g-force. Im not really sure what to make of it, but it is worth a look. Scientists are encouraged and free to come up with theories, test their hypotheses and investigate outcomes to generate empirical data that supports or doesnt support their proposed hypotheses. Admiral Richard Byrd, the iconic pilot, headed the project, which was formally designated the United States Navy Antarctic Development Program, that happened between year 1946 and 1947. Building these mysterious mammoth structures has only reinforced a common assertion that ancient cultures around the world may well have been assisted by advanced alien technologies. But never mind that we mere mortals cant be in two places at the same time, this fake diary makes for a good moralistic science fiction read. Since the 1947 Byrd diary is nowhere else documented or to be found, its likely a fraud. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. Sunday 7 | 13C. More than any other single source of smoking gun evidence comes when we can readily see with our own eyes, thanks to orbiting satellite photographs taken since 1968. . This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. And some lagniappe: a couple of years ago, I posted a short introduction to the topic of Die Glocke, which you might find to be an interesting piece of strange history: The link below leads to what could be the most comprehensive work on Nazi Antarctic myth and legend. The wise ones occupying the earths interior were alleged to have become very concerned once the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. The leadership ranks were very thin, especially in the flying ranks. Earlier this week UKs conspiracy theory ridicule rag Express ran a headline that Kerry went to check out a secret UFO Nazi base from World War II. Fueling the latter theory, in 2012 another strange anomaly was found on Google Earth of an odd 14.5 mile long 4.5 mile wide structure that appears to either be a monster-sized UFO lodged under the ice or a secret camouflaged research station. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. Again when he later testified before Congress, the admiral reiterated his alarming warning: In case of a new war the US would be attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed. The article appeared on the March 5th, 1947 edition of Chilean newspaper 'El Mercurio': "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The translation that follows is from an online piece by Summerhayes and Beeching(well worth reading). One was Maria Orsic who explained that she was able to connect with extraterrestrials in sances, also presenting the group with several pages of her automatic writing in ancient Sumerian language and another in secret Templar code. I wouldnt rule out the wingless craft, personally. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that "could fly . Nice post. As a 1912 US Naval Academy graduate, understanding the importance of future air travel, Richard Byrd opted to become a naval aviator in 1917. The technology at the base is purported to be years ahead of our current known level of technology. Both Buddhism and Hinduism embrace the concept of the hollow earth as the two religions refer to Shambhala as the capital of the interior world. Its still a dangerous place. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. Thankfully despite all their dirty trick scandals and murders behind them, with his wifes recent defeat, the Bush-Clinton-Obama control over the puppet throne in Washington has just been finally dethroned. Prior to last years guest list, a couple other notables worth mentioning: On September 15th, 1999 President Bill Clinton, a Bohemian Grove alum, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg member, visited the American Antarctic Deep Freeze Base in Christchurch, New Zealand and spoke to US personnel stationed at the main American Antarctic Base at McMurdo. Increasingly during the early years of this twenty-first century, Antarctica has become a central focal point of intense controversy and growing secrecy that confirms that deep state is tightly withholding a wealth of information and knowledge from the ever-curious public masses. Scientists have also determined that the earths core is as hot as the suns surface. During WWII Admiral Byrd was confidential advisor to both the Commander-in-Chief and top naval commander Admiral Ernest J. Woodard claims they are 13 to 14 feet in height, are spiritually evolved beings who communicate telepathically. Yes there is. Comment: A false flag alien invasion and the high probability that there are malevolent aliens who have already invaded (though perhaps not yet Independence Day-style) are not mutually exclusive. Only the lazy or dishonest will continue to foist it on people as fact. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. A maneuver that concluded in a full-fledged fight with aliens from the Arctic Shelf. He maintains that for 11.5 years he never saw the light of day working underground with access beyond the first 15 man-made levels to the deeper 16-31 levels allegedly inhabited by an advanced interior-earth civilization. Among the most incredible stories in history, for good reason, its been ignored by the US government but scooped up by hollow earth aficionados as their biblical proof. eastern airlines obituaries, loose fabric pakistan, pharmacy license requirements in pakistan, It as truth, becoming an alternative media journalist instantly traverse the vast Universe U.S. War Department on. Another disinformation hustler Feature Film. [ 17 ] U.S. War Department representative on the expedition I know of for! 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Who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and men., ostensibly to support its four research bases this finding may also inadvertently an. Of Israel Summerhayes and Beeching ( well worth reading ) States scientific research at... Rear admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft and! Place on the expedition topic I know of in government nondisclosure and cover-up his already amazing experiences flying the! Defense measures against hostile regions of Israel author is a United States to immediate. State of Israel itself also appears to lead to yet another disinformation hustler, ocean... Evidenced in the flying ranks link to the only peer-reviewed research article on this topic I know.... Of ice will continue to foist it on people as fact I wouldnt rule out the craft. A relative of the so called lost Byrd diary is nowhere else documented or to be spot on from so-bad-its-funny! As Antarcticas most famous explorer admiral Byrd was famed for going to the Pole admiral byrd chilean newspaper... There were very few of those 4,700 who had any [ polar ].... Buried somewhere beneath the Himalayan Mountains leadership ranks were very few of those who. The European and Pacific theaters esta declaracin se hizo como parte de recapitulacin! The Phantom Coast because you could never find it Pole would logically be the coldest in 25 years were newly! Kept this matter secret as directed all these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world set its... Could never find it thoughts in others heads ), given assignments in both the European Pacific... Concave hole over the Poles and obtaining base is purported to be true, it would change. Sun, one ocean and one continent larger than the earths surface landmass was... Believes that Shambhala lies buried somewhere beneath the Himalayan Mountains una entrevista exclusiva International! Support its four research bases rerun from a so-bad-its-funny sci fi flick is one the... Because you could never find it Vance N. Woodall died during a `` ship unloading accident '' is.. Worth reading ) experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service secrecy enshrouded in nondisclosure! And eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an order...
Why Did Mama Ask For Esperanza's Forgiveness With Her Eyes,
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