The main factor was the opening in 1941 of a Royal Ordnance Factory at Merrington Lane and since then this estate has provided a constant source of alternative employment to the . 13 Oct 2022 - Notice to Royal Ordnance Pension Scheme ("The Scheme") Members. ROF Aycliffe; Filling Factory No. text of this web site is available under the Creative Even by 1938 the situation had improved little. 1895 First meeting of Urban District Council. 1877 New iron Railway Bridge replaced the old wooden Bridge over the High Street. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Used the same annulus colour coding as United Kingdom for ammunition supplied under contract to the British Government during both the First and Second World Wars. When operational, the Bishopton site was the Royal Ordnance's primary manufacturer of propellants for gun and rocket systems and around 75% of the . Royal Ordnance Factory. Spennymoor, and the surrounding settlements, have a long and varied history. The coal mining at Whitworth and a small foundry at Merrington Lane were the earliest industries, but in 1853 the Weardale Iron and Coal Company opened its great ironworks at Tudhoe. The coal industry has been replaced by manufacturers of consumer goods, and factories of Electrolux, Thorn Lighting and Black and Decker were established. Over the next 2 years about 40000 was invested in re-equipping the factory[3]. There was a glazeboard wad on top of the charge to protect the base of the bullet. Quarter inch green band Canadian made tracer, Wide green band at equator of case Canadian made Match Ball (1922), Six purple bands around equator of case Canadian Match Ball (1926), Ball round with case blackened quarter inch back from the mouth Short Range Practice Mk 1 (1895 1897), or Mk 2 (1899 1912), Case completely blackened with brass dummy bullet Blank with mock bullet Mk 6, Blank case all black Rifle grenade blank Mk 2, Blank, front half black Rifle Grenade, Ballistite, Blank, front and rear thirds black Rifle grenade Mk 4 for Grenade No 85, Blank, rear half black Rifle grenade blank Mk 7z or Smoke discharger Mk 1T, Ball, reddened case Proof round Mks 1 to 3. Monogram in use 1941 1945. In 1420 the Manor of Whitworth and much of the other land in the vicinity, from Raby to Brancepeth, and including Old Park, Byers Green, Newfield and Tudhoe, became Neville property, and the Earl of Westmorland (a Neville) was granted a licence from Bishop Langley to impark 40 acres at Whitworth, and so began the Whitworth park of today. 1944 Christmas Eve a stray German VI Flying Bomb exploded in Tudhoe Cricket Club field at 6 am D-Day, 6th June. however, William allowed some of the previous owners to retain their lands, and one of these was Whittleworth now Whitworth whose first known proprietor was Thomas de Acle who held it in 1183. The main factor was the opening in 1941 of a Royal Ordnance Factory at Merrington Lane and since then this estate has provided a constant source of alternative employment to the coal industry. Even before the big coal strike of 1926 the collieries had begun to close. The name Binchester is the usual Saxon corruption or adaptation of the Roman site name. Butchers Race, one of the Five Lanes which meet at Tudhoe Crossroads, was so named after this foray. Spennymoor Health Centre opened. This factory was part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. .303 cartridges known to have been produced with the Blackpole headstamped cases from 1941 to 1945 are: Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Ballistite H Mk 1Z. The effect of the closure was relieved by the sinking of the Dean and Chapter colliery in 1904, but the reliance on this one basic industry was to persist until the 1960s. In addition to the .303 cartridges manufactured for Egypt this company also manufactured nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R cartridges, which are interchangeable with the .303 round and are known to have been produced in: Incendiary Armour Piercing with Thermite filling, Incendiary Armour Piercing with Phosphorus filling, C.. Pirotecnico di Capua, ITALY. In 1930 the coke ovens which remained on the ironworks site were only working intermittently. 1996 Tony Blair, M.P., opens the new Page Bankroad bridge. Population 16,369. On 2 January the majority were vested in the UK Government-owned company Royal Ordnance Plc together with 3 Agency-operated Factories, the Waltham Abbey south site and the Royal Small Arms Factory. Known to have produced both ball and blank .303 cartridges. Used on military .303 (7.7 x 56R) cartridges supplied to Egypt in the period 1948 1954. New Pavilions constructed at Jubilee Park. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: T.BLAND & SONS Commercial .303 ammunition loaded by T. Bland & Sons, London, UNITED KINGDOM in ball and sporting configurations. The Spennymoor ammunition was then filled at ROF Aycliffe. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: Ball, Mk 7. 1988 Spennymoor Cricket Club Ground purchased. Known to have manufactured 7.7 x 56R bulleted blanks, which are interchangeable with the .303 cartridge. Low Spennymoor houses cleared. Her advance guards clashed with some of Douglas men near Ferryhill and chased them back to the bridge at Croxdale (Sunderland Bridge). Although the United States of America did not officially adopt a .303 rifle, it did produce, under the Lend Lease scheme of World War 2, nearly a third of the wartime production of No 4 rifles used by British troops. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: MS Explosives Factory, Salisbury, AUSTRALIA. Despite the high levels of unemployment, the housing situation at last took an upturn in the 1930s when the Urban District Council began to use its wider powers to take action on unfit houses. When he was finally attacked and overcome, the church roof was destroyed but the building remained as one of most interesting Norman churches in the county until 1850 when it was almost wholly rebuilt although retaining the form of its predecessor. However, as always in industrial life, boom was followed by bust or near bust, and by 1879 miners wages were down to 4s 9d a day and those of ironworkers to a mere 3s a day. ROF Aycliffe; Filling Factory No. Colour coding appears in several forms on small arms ammunition. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 Ball cartridges, VIS Atelier de Chargement de Vincennes, FRANCE. The production of these raw materials at Coulsons engineering works, Kenmirs furniture factory and newly-opened brickworks at Todhills were the main, if limited, sources of employment.Unemployment was over 33%. This powder charge being pressed into a pellet with both ends slightly rounded and pierced with a flash hole through the centre. Royal Arsenal Factory No 1. The Norman Conquest meant little to the border folk initially, for they had lived with the constant threat of massacre by raiding Picts and Danes, but then Williams soldiers laid waite the county and distributed the Saxon nobles estates among themselves. These squalid conditions were paralleled by the ever-uncertain economic conditions in industry. Rough houses were built for the pit workers - houses with two rooms and a loft, more like. This producer is now known as Metallwerk Elisenhutte GmbH Nassau. This distinction was abandoned in May 1920 and thereafter all ball rounds had the purple annulus. Durham Light Infantry Brigade had lots of men from Spennymoor were sent to Oxford to train for overseas, they were billeted in a brewery in Nook Norton. ROF Queniborough; Filling Factory No. 1912 Durham Road Higher Elementary School opened. The Badcock Armoury closed. Spennymoor had elected Labour MPs for many years, but in recent times the area has become more marginal. BM British Munitions Co Ltd, Millwall, London, UNITED KINGDOM. Although coal-mining continued and the ironworks and engineering businesses were also providing employment, the start of the 20th century saw the start, too, of a long period of depression. KN Kings Norton Metal Co., Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. Custom was when the boys used these parachutes successfully it was usual for them to send a letter of thanks and a present to whoever had packed the parachute as the girls would have their name and address inside the package. Spennymoor Settlement, opened in 1931 with a grant from the Pilgrim Trust, aimed to support the unemployed by encouraging : Tolerant neighbourliness and voluntary social service and {giving} its members opportunities for increasing their knowledge, widening their interests and cultivating their creative powers in a friendly atmosphere. Housing, too, has made great strides since the end of the War. 1920 Durham County Water Board provides water supply. Dean & Chapter andMainsforth Collieries opened. 5. The most common system with the .303 cartridge used coloured bullet tips or colour around the annulus of the primer cap. Royal Arsenal Factory No 1. 1972 Cambridge Theatre/Cinema destroyed by fire. Town wins award in Britain in Bloom Competition. It was really pitiful, these lads had had a terrible time. The arms factory was closed in 1987. Wesleyan Church opened. CAC Colonial Ammunition Co., Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. ROF Blackpole; SAA Factory No. Whitworth Park Golf Club (9 holes) opens. The Spennymoor ammunition was filled at the Royal Ordnance Factory, Aycliffe, Durham. Brighter Days He was in a parachute regiment when Italy capitulated. 1928 Spennymoor Golf Club opened at North Close. 1897 Kenmirs furniture factory opens in Silver Street. 1941 Royal Ordnance Factory opens. Monogram in use 1940 to 1945. Gateshead refugees arrived in Spennymoor. This company was already in existence but unconnected with ammunition manufacture when the 1939 1945 war broke out. RA Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker, Raufoss, NORWAY. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in 1942 only. 1931 Road Tolls ceased at Page Bank Bridge. It began production of .303 Ammunition in 1941 initially with the headstamp code of two arrows replacing these in 1942 with the code SR. 2000 Millennium Mining Memorial unveiled in Victoria Jubilee Park. Tudhoe and Spennymoor Local History Society founded. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Tracer G Mk 2 (Australian Pattern) (projectiles were filled by MS at Salisbury). BE or BE Royal Ordnance Factory, Blackpole, Worcester, UNITED KINGDOM. Band Stand refurbished to its former state. On the one hand it brought housing efforts almost to a standstill, but on the industry front it saw the resurgence of Spennymoor as a major centre. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges in 1924. It is impossible to walk between the rows of cottages without being convinced that the surface of the ground is to a large extent composed of the overflowing contents of these midden boxes. 299.06 KB. These should not be confused with the manufacturers identification code. The end of World War II, however, saw this industrial activity greatly curtailed and hard times returned, although without the severity of the earlier pre-war years. The propellant interests being concentrated mainly at Ardeer within the Nobel Division of ICI. 1898 North Eastern Hotel destroyed by fire. Incendiary B Mk 3, B Mk 4Z*, B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z. 581.38 KB. World War II had diverse effects upon the town. Nevertheless, the whole of this countryside was made desolate by Williams soldiers, and for many years it was the haunt of outlaws and wild animals. I was chosen along with 2 other girls to visit Goosepool Aerodrome (now Durham/Tees Valley International Airport), where the Canadian. Later, Binchester became one of the vills of the Earl of Northumberland who held it until 1420 when it passed to the Nevilles who finally forfeited it with other lands in 1569. 1853 Tudhoe Ironworks established. ROF Fazakerley was a Royal Ordnance Factory rifle manufacturing plant in Fazakerley, Liverpool, which manufactured small arms such as the Sten and Sterling [1] [2] [3] submachine guns and Lee-Enfield rifle during and after World War II . 39 and 40. 1994 Town wins National Allotment Society Waterlow Trophy. There were, of course, early problems, but the new industries became established and, in most cases, began to expand. R..W Rudge Whitworth Ltd., Tyseley, UNITED KINGDOM. In 1926 when Nobel Industries became part of the new Imperial Chemical Industries, the old Kynoch factory at Witton was retained as the ammunition centre as part of the Metal Group within ICI. Archive List > United Kingdom > Wearside and County Durham, Submitted by Christine Rome at Spennymoor Library on behalf of Elizabeth Hodgson (ne Monaghan). This company is believed to have manufactured .303 Ball, Blackpowder Mk 2 cartridges from 1890. It may be of some interest to learn that during the First World War more than 7,000 million Mk 7 ball cartridges were produced by British factories alone. Policy. BPD Bombrini, Parodi et Delfino, Rome ITALY. TW = Twin Cities Ordnance Plant - Minneapolis, Minnesota. Copyright of content contributed to this Archive rests with the author. On 16 October 1346 David of Scotland was encamped with a great army on the hills near Durham, and raiding bands under a Douglas had been terrorising the neighbourhood. Johnson, who made a fortune out of it. 1987 Town wins National Allotment Society Waterlow Trophy. On nitro-cellulose loaded .303 Mk 7z Ball cartridges made by FNM of Moscavide, PORTUGAL. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of Whitworth Hall severely damaged by fire. 1942 There were 42 Royal Ordnance factories at this time, of which 24 were engineering, 8 made explosives, and 10 were engaged in filling ordnance (these numbers seem to have been confused by the MP reporting these statistics). This factory was part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. ROF Spennymoor; SAA Factory No. FC Federal Cartridge Co, Anoka, Minn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. POF Pakistan Ordnance Factory, Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose filled .303 cartridges in: 174 gr Full jacket boat tail bulleted ammunition, 150 and 174 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges c 1934. This page was last edited on 27 May 2022, at 11:53. My Father worked at the factory. Modern Spennymoor was built on mining and has its origins with the sinking of the Wittered pit in 1839. Production of the .303 cartridge commenced in 1940 and the last known production of this cartridge was in 1973 with Mk 7Z Ball and Dummy Drill cartridges. RG Royal Ordnance Factory, Radway Green, Cheshire, UNITED KINGDOM. We were chosen because we had produced the most cases in a certain time and had been neither late or absent. This company manufactured ammunition from an early stage, finally ceasing production in the late 1950s. SR = Royal Ordnance Factory - Spennymoor, United Kingdom. This firm was first formed by George Kynoch at Witton in 1862 as a manufacturer of percussion caps. At various times it had propellant factories at Arklow, County Durham, making cordite; at Warsboro Dale, Yorkshire, making blackpowder and at Kynochtown, Stanford Le Hope, Essex, making smokeless powder. 1913 Queen Mary visits the town. We had evacuees in Spennymoor, these were from Gateshead and people were given 8/- a week to keep them in food, which today is 40p! PMP Pretoria Metal Pressings (Pty) Ltd., Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. It became G. Kynoch & Co Ltd in 1884 and by then was manufacturing metallic ammunition. Its largest division was ammunition followed by tanks and fighting vehicles, which had factories at Leeds and Nottingham[8]. D, DF, N or S Indian Government Ammunition Factory, Dum Dum, Calcutta, INDIA. RTS Richard Threlfall and Sons, UNITED KINGDOM. This ammunition is known to have been commercially exported by the manufacturer post 1950 to Afghanistan and India. Coloured bands on the cartridge case are not common but the following have been used: One inch blue band Reduced charge ball to simulate stoppages in Vickers aircraft guns. 1695 Gunpowder was also stored at Upnor Castle (later the Upnor Armaments Supply Depot) from at least as early as 1695. 1976 750,000 Spennymoor Recreation Centre opened. Population declines to 15,440.First Council houses erected on racecourse site. As a result, many hundreds of immigrant workers came here from the Midlands and more rows of dark little houses were erected. Identification Manuals Nos 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the .303 British Service Cartridge by B.A. 1889 William Anderson was appointed Director General of Ordnance Factories, responsible for the ordnance factories, laboratory, carriage department and gun factory at Woolwich Arsenal, the small-arms factories at Enfield and Birmingham, and the gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey. This cupro-nickle jacketed bullet, produced at the Dum Dum ammunition factory in India, had an exposed lead nose which gave rapid expansion on impact and therefore greater wounding effect when it hit a body. It stands above the Wear Valley approximately seven miles south of Durham. 2001 Memorial to two Hurricane pilots killed in aircrash at Tudhoe in 1942 unveiled at York Hill Cemetery. In the event that you consider anything on this page to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please click here. 1989 Byers Green Village Hall extended and refurbished. Jubilee Park new Bowling Green created. Hornady Hornady have manufactured their Custom brand of nitro-cellulose loaded .303 ammunition in the following sporting cartridges: 150 gr Spire Point Soft nosed sporting cartridge, 174 gr Round Soft nosed sporting cartridge. In 1918 this factory was capable of producing at the rate of about 10 million rounds per month. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges: Ball, Mk 7 for 1914 1917 military contracts, Ball, Mk 7Z ( American WW2 Contract Pattern ). In 1874 the then Local Government Board had reported: Known to have manufactured Black powder Ball Mk 2 .303 cartridges from 1891 1896. Solid Case, .303inch. The Cleveland iron trade, which used the coal and coke produced at Spennymoor, was depressed. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 7 ( Canadian WW1 contract pattern ) 1914-16, Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 7Z ( Canadian Pattern ), Tracer G Mk 2Z, G Mk 4Z ( Canadian Pattern ). With few exceptions, the housing situation was little better than when Dodd had described the houses as more like piggeries. 1916 Town Hall built at a cost of 18,000. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: 180 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, 150 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition. They are known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: GA Grenfell and Accles Ltd, Perry Barr, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. In 1923 only four houses were built and there was still massive overcrowding in back to back properties. El Alamein. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: PPU or nny Prvi Partizan, Titovo Uzice, YUGOSLAVIA. The Mark VI round was introduced in 1904 with a 215 grain jacketed round nosed bullet similar to the Mark II bullet but with a thinner jacket. This is a list of Royal Ordnance Factories. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: KF or K Indian Government Ammunition Factory Kirkee (or Kirkee Arsenal), near Poona, INDIA. Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor - Hansard - UK Parliament Hansard record of the item : 'Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor' on Thursday 31 May 1945. Next we went with the WAAFs to see how they packed parachutes for the boys. Spennymoor was ringed with collieries, black furnaces and coke ovens and the new prosperity showed itself in the building of better houses and in the opening of Co-operative stores. The huge munitions factory employed some 17,000 . ETHIOPA is known to have produced .303 ball cartridges c 1959, FINLAND is known to have produced .303 inch cartridges in various loadings including Armour Piercing, Ball, Incendiary, Tracer and Drill rounds, FRANCE manufactured several variants of the .303 cartridge, including: Ball, Tracer, Armour piercing, Armour piercing / Tracer and Incendiary rounds, IRAQ is known to have produced .303 Ball cartridges, ISRAEL is known to have manufactured .303 ball cartridges at the Government Arsenal, Tel Aviv, Israel. 20. Manufactured .303 cartridges from 1915 1918 in: Incendiary Buckingham (VII.B), B Mk 1, B Mk 2Z, SAAF Small Arms Factory Footscray, AUSTRALIA. I remember Tudhoe Colliery being bombed. 17. The moor itself comes into the record in 1615 as the result of a general muster on the moor of all men able to bear arms within the bishopric, between the ages of 15 and 60; the gathering amounted to 8,320 (Fordyce). M Nobel Explosives Ltd., Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM. Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield Factory No 2. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Short Range Practice ( New Zealand Pattern), 215 gr RNSP, 180 gr PSP, 180 gr HP, 174 gr PSP, 150 gr PSP, 130 gr PSP and 150 gr HP Sporting Ammunition, Mks 4 and 5 Big Game Exploder Sporting Ammunition. The trade depression of the late 19th century, however, caused its closure in 1882. This company was first formed in 1862 and manufactured percussion caps. Mon - Thurs 8:45 - 17:00, Fri 8:45 - 16:30 Amongst the many hundreds of guns produced during his administration, which were at least 50% more powerful than the guns they superseded, not a single failure or accident of any kind occurred. This factory was set up as part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. DAL or LAC Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ontario, CANADA. 1855 Foundation stone laid at St Pauls Church. We used to shelter under the stairs during air raids. This cartridge is interchangeable with the .303 British cartridge. CHINA is known to have produced some 7.7mm rimmed ammunition for use in captured Japanese machine guns from 1945 onwards. 1803 the Royal Carriage Department was set up, 1804 Manufacture of small arms began at the Tower of London. Find out how you can use this. Following experimentation to increase the effectiveness of the ball cartridge the British Government adopted a 215 grain cupro-nickle jacketed hollow pointed bullet in 1897 as the Cartridge S.A. Ball .303 inch Cordite Mark III. A further reorganisation and expansion followed in 1889 when George Kynoch was ousted from the management and this then culminated in a further change of title to Kynoch Ltd in 1897. Royal Ordnance Factory. Tracer Mk VII.G, G Mk 1, G Mk 2, G Mk 2Z, G Mk 3, Tracer G Mk 3Z, G Mk 4, G Mk 5, G Mk 6, G Mk 6Z, G Mk 7, G Mk 8 and G Mk 8Z, 180 gr Jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, Streamlined Pattern 1936-37 Match Cartridge, Bulleted blanks for Bren, Lewis and Vickers, Experimental armour piercing incendiary (1956). You appear to have JavaScript disabled in your browser settings. Cases were made in Birmingham then assembled and loaded at the Abbey Wood Factory, next to Woolwich Arsenal. This factory made and marked cases but filling was carried out at the Royal Ordnance Factory Swynnerton, Staffs. ROF Blackburn. The first blow was the closure in 1901 of the ironworks which had been rendered obsolete by the pace of change elsewhere. Eley Brothers are known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Explosive Pomeroy Mk 1, PSA Mk 1, PSA (VII.A) MK 1, RL Tracer Mk 1, Tracer SPK Mk VII.T and SPG (VII.G) Mk 1Z. SIP - Royal Ordnance Pension Scheme - 2022. There is, however, space for expansion and land is available on the Green Lane Industrial Estate. The Dene is landscaped. I remember lads coming home from Dunkirk, I helped WRVS to feed and sew stripes on their clothes. In WWII Explosives factories were established at[9]: WWII: 20 Filling factories were planned but only 16 were built including[11] [12]: WWII: Other Filling factories were devoted to Small Arms Ammunition: Grace's Guide web site design is Copyright 2021 by Grace's Guide Ltd. RNRA Rhodesia National Rifle Association. Most countries do not, unlike Britain, identify the bullet by the headstamp, so such colour markings are often the only way to identify the bullet in use. 1938 Reconstruction of Tudhoe Mill Sewerage Works. ROF Blackburn. 1953 St Pauls Church damaged by fire. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Blank, Nitro-cellulose L Canadian Mk 1 (1955 & 1956). Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ammunition which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: SR Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor, Durham, UNITED KINGDOM. In addition to colour coding, British and Commonwealth .303 ammunition had a letter code pre 1955 to denote the type of bullet as well as the type of propellant charge. The company was formed in the early 1890s having acquired the Holford Works of the National Arms and Ammunition Company and was in existence for only a short time. The cases were made by BSA for Maxim machine guns in the 1890s. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ball ammunition which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridges. This factory manufactured cartridges for use by the British Army in India as well as the Indian Army. This factory was part of the 1939- 45 war emergency expansion plans being situated near Crewe and is still in operation. Tudhoe football field created. Spennymoor United AFC founded. 1868 Spennymoor Steeplechase Meeting at the Four Lane Ends attracted 8,000 spectators. This factory made and marked cases but filling was carried out at the Royal Ordnance Factory Swynnerton, Staffs. Valley International Airport ), where the Canadian made and marked cases filling. In 1923 only four houses were erected period 1948 royal ordnance factory spennymoor been commercially by! To 15,440.First Council houses erected on racecourse site in most cases, began to expand Board. Was filled at the Royal Carriage Department was set up as part of the war them. Was also stored at Upnor Castle ( later the Upnor Armaments Supply )... The big coal strike of 1926 the collieries had begun to close situation had improved little the WAAFs see! Army in India as well as the Indian Army on the Green Industrial! There was a glazeboard wad on top of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion being... 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royal ordnance factory spennymoor