Yeah, the Balkans are full of these tales! I dont know, I just think that its wrong to suppress emotions like that. However one part retained Christian and pre-Christian beliefs. But thats not all. [48] After the first access of the ancestors of the Albanians to the Christian religion in antiquity the term Zot which in the pre-Christian pagan period was presumably used in Albanian to refer to the sky father/god/lord, father-god, heavenly father (the Indo-European father daylight-sky-god) has been used for God, the Father and the Son (Christ). Surrounding him are four long-beaked, female eagles. Of the three sea facing windows, only the one belonging to the youngest sister remained. Is it that heavy? Unlike with a female shtriga, however, we dont really get an explanation of how men turn into shtrigu. During construction the walls of the monastery would continuously crumble. Very long! Great was the rage that the shkja felt for Mujo! [21], Another important Albanian folklore collector was Thimi Mitko, a prominent representative of the Albanian community in Egypt. I just dont understand how they actually manage to get their prey, I mean this whole show sampiro creates really attracts attention, even in the dark. [2] [1] The kulshedra is believed to spit fire, cause drought, storms, flooding, earthquakes and other natural disasters against mankind. [22] At midnight, Zuku slays Slavic warrior Baloz Sedlija, and burns his mother to her death. We love to travel and share our Balkan experiences to assist and inspire. Yes, you read that right. :B. Amazing post! Perhaps the first thing about lugats physical appearance that stands out the most is that unlike its fellow vampires, it has regular human teeth and not vampire fangs. [22], The first Albanian folklorist to collect the oral tradition in a more systematic manner for scholarly purposes was the Franciscan priest and scholar Shtjefn Gjeovi. Eine ethno-linguistische Fallstudie", "Rrnj dhe deg t krishterimit ndr shqiptar", "The Rediscovery of folk literature in Albania", "Un regard critique sur l'ethnographie de la mort en Albanie", "Lexicon of Albanian Mythology: Areal Studies in the Polylingual Region of Azov Sea", "Ngjashmri t hyjnive homerike dhe atyre shqiptare", "The Albanian World in the Folk Teller's Stories", "Figures mythologiques Albanaises et rencontres Balkaniques",, Toka: living earth; it is believed that water is to the earth what blood is to the humans, Dhe-toksi, Dheu or Toksi: chthonic serpent, Golden horned goats: wild goats protectors of the forests, Uji: water; uji i gjall: living water; it is believed that water is to the earth what blood is to the humans. An Ora is made a victim by Paji as he clenches and crushes its arm. [20] A substantial contribution in this direction has been made by the Albanologist Robert Elsie. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As for the origins of vrykolakas and how you can turn into one, wellhold on tight, the list is long. They also have the tail of a snake, golden wings and incredible physical strength. The urban stories claim that like any other vampire, it feeds off peoples blood. Melton is a bright and educated man and I genuinely found his book a very interesting read. Am I the only one wondering how those heads are placed on the body? The birthing sow became to be a bad omen due to a prophecy, so the people of the isle chased her until she ran into the waters. Therefore, several Albanian dialectal variants exist, such as zn, zn, zr, xan, xn, etc. [11] As the Ora provided protection, their appearance as a serpent could also foretell unfortunate events. Thanks Jenny. In fact, it is said that women who submit to envy and for some reason dont bear children are the ones who turn into shtrigas. Thanks for sticking to the end, I hope you enjoyed the Albanian creepy legends and Albanian mythology creatures so far! The interesting part in the vampire habits and behavior is that according to Balkan creepy urban legends, male vampires are involved with mortal women much more often than female vampires are with male mortals. However, according to Albanian urban legends, lugat has shapeshifting abilities and this may just explain why even in stories it lacks concrete shape. the Bolla dragon. So you do get to keep your life, thats the good news. [2] Within Central Albania it was believed that the Ora were present everywhere, listening to peoples blessings and curses, which they would then aim to quickly fulfil. One day, Baba Tomorri is lounging in bed with Earthly Beauty when Shpirag attempts to take over Berat. He compiled his collection with Spiro Risto Dine who emigrated to Egypt in 1866. It has to be one with wings, typically either a fly, a bee, or a moth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Their characteristics depend on their nationalities. While its true that theyre not motivated by blood the way vampires are and theyre not really categorized as either good or evil, they *can* develop or even inherit evil intentions as well as the power to do harm. Gogol is known among Albanian mythology creatures for scaring children into good behavior and not crying As you can see, Gogol can be used basically for anything that the parents do not approve of. (Father) Tomor is seen as an old man with a long white beard flowing down to. Although labeled as a vampiric witch, shtriga has a lot of resemblance to a boogeyman. Hadhayosh: Gigantic land Creature (Persian Mythology) 45. But there are also those who have certainpreferences. The Noble Qur'an last sura and the Throne Verse, or Ayatul Kursi, is 255th verse (ayah) of the second chapter (sura) Al-Baqara,, Articles containing Albanian-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 16:25. The stories surrounding lugat vary quite a bit, especially when it comes to how dangerous it can be. Indeed, the lack of Old Church Slavonic terms in Albanian Christian terminology shows that the missionary activities during the Christianization of the Slavs did not involve Albanian-speakers. Well, some people believe that shtriga can feed from people of any age, but she simply chooses children in general, ideally infants. Baba Tomorri has taken a fine-looking bride, Earthly Beauty. The Zana is a mythological figure within Northern Albanian Gheg folk beliefs and oral epics. To tease? [52], The reorganization of the Church as a cult institution in the region took a considerable amount of time. As Mujo and Behuri duel, the Ora intervenes guiding Mujo to distract Behuri and use the poison dagger which the Ora had hidden on Behuri, to slay him. Category:Albanian legendary creatures Help Pages in category "Albanian legendary creatures" The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. What kind of being was standing before him. It does not store any personal data. In fact, the safest way to get rid of sampiro once and for all is by locating its grave and stake it in the heart in broad daylight, when its the most vulnerable. Lets start by dissecting the name shtriga and the meaning behind it! Jubani published in 1871 his Raccolta di canti popolari e rapsodie di poemi albanesi (Collection of Albanian Folk Songs and Rhapsodies)the first collection of Gheg folk songs and the first folkloric work to be published by an Albanian who lived in Albania. When I was doing my research specifically about dhampirs, I expected to discover some kind of defects that would come from the human parent. Which, by the way, also serves as a very serious warning to avoid this person, as this is someone undoubtedly evil and dangerous. Albanian folk beliefs (Albanian: Besimet folklorike shqiptare) and mythological stories comprise the beliefs expressed in the customs, rituals, myths, legends and tales of the Albanian people. And although all of this is very extreme, the older generations of Albanians saw it as a means to an end when it came to teaching the future generations a lesson of being careful around the Turks. This version attacks the children at a summer camp and poses as a camp counselor. The pagan cult of the Sun was almost identical to the Christian cult in the first centuries of Christianity. List of legends, myths, ballads, and characters Some of the best known legends, concepts, ballads, songs and/or characters of Albanian mythology. Clearly, the superpowers come from the vampire parent but we all know that vampires have weaknesses too. Sometimes she manifests as a dark mass, or a shadow, which can be seen on a persons chest or neck during the night. [28] As revealed in Albanian epic poetry, the Zana observe Albanian battles, offering their assistance and protection where needed. [31], References of the Ora in Folklore and Epic Poetry, Similarities to other mythological figures, Southern Albanian Tosks - The Fatia, Mirai and Vitore, Last edited on 14 December 2022, at 21:14,, This page was last edited on 14 December 2022, at 21:14. Many of the characters of the Albanian mythology are included in the Albanian Songs of the Frontier Warriors ( Albanian : Kng Kreshniksh or Cikli i Kreshnikve ), the traditional cycle of Albanian epic songs. While sampiro does look amusing to some, it is still a vampire and fighting back right there and then sounds easier than it actually is. They hoisted the hero and got him up standing. The characters in Albanian tales, legends and myths include humans, deities, demigods, monsters, as well as supernatural beings in the shapes of men, animals and plants. His folklore material was republished in his Albanesische Studien (Albanian Studies). In addition to that, the word Dhampir itself has a few slightly different ways to be spelled such as dhamphir and dhampyr. Is it the Christian God? It is said that lugat tends to lure its victims to its dark home and can even murder people in their sleep. Whenever vrykolakas saw people going to a church, it would loudly and openly mock the people of faith and on some occasions even throw rocks at them to emphasize his disapproval. These relations can be seen during the rule of the Illyrian emperors, such as Aurelian who introduced the cult of the Sun; Diocletian who stabilized the empire and ensured its continuation through the institution of the Tetrarchy; Constantine the Great who issued the Edict of Toleration for the Christianized population and who summoned the First Council of Nicaea involving many clercs from Illyricum; Justinian who issued the Corpus Juris Civilis and sought to create an Illyrian Church, building Justiniana Prima and Justiniana Secunda, which was intended to become the centre of Byzantine administration. Any kind of partnerships and even a simple interaction could turn Albanians into vampires. Vrykolakas would find someone who is asleep and then crush and suffocate them by sitting on them. But wait, it gets even better! Yet another similarity between lugat and sampiro is that lugat also tends to getattached to its victims and prefers to feed off the same one for as long as it can. I hope youre ready to meet the dark side of Albanian culture! Slavic warrior Paji Harambashis encounters three white oras, mystical creatures in the mountains who revel and frolic as he searches for Mujo. She did not die and re-emerged on a different isle. [182][136], Another characteristic of Albanian heroic songs are weapons. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, in Albania arrived also the Bektashi Sufi order[61] which spread widely among Albanians because of its traditional tolerance and regard for different religions, practices and beliefs and because it allowed itself to be a vehicle for the expression of Crypto-Christian, Christian and pre-Christian pagan beliefs and rituals. Mount Tomorr is a mountain range in central Albania. On the other hand, some people strongly believe that shtriga can be killed when she is caughtfeeding. In addition to that, for an unknown reason, sampiro also wears high heels and is therefore swaying as it walks. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained. See more ideas about mythology, fantasy, fantasy art. Zana e ujit, Nusja Shapulic, Cuca e Liqenit, Ksheta, me diell (by sun), me dh (by earth), me zjarr (by fire), me fush (by field), me gur/gur-rrufeje (by stone/thunder-stone), me hn (by moon), me mal (by mountain), me qiell (by sky), me uj (by water), me toks (by snake), Nxiri: all-seing eyes that look at humans from the ground following their movements everywhere, considered to be the sight of the living Earth, Ditt e Plaks (Old Woman's Days, a belief about the last cold days of winter), Angu (shapeless ghost who appears in dreams), Avullushe (spirits that suffocate people with their breath), akalloz (mighty being, slightly deranged hero), Dhevshtruesi (half human and half animal), Katravesh (the four-eared one, man-eating monster), Makth (nightmare ghost that suffocates people during sleep), Through ritual processions, dances and songs (, The Barefaced Man and the Pasha's Brother, The Tale of the Youth who Understood the Language of the Animals, The Daughter of the Moon and Sun (version with, The Daughter of the Moon and Sun (version with the king's son), Seven Spans of Beard and Three Spans of Body, Revenge Taken on Kastrati a Legend of the Triepshi Tribe, The Founding of the Hoti and Triepshi Tribes, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 21:57. Well, apparently vrykolakas can be pretty judgemental too. The Drekavac sounds especially creepy,and the Prepasti from Bosnia really interested me. [18], One of the first Albanian collectors from Italy was the Arbresh writer Girolamo De Rada whoalready imbued with a passion for his Albanian lineage in the first half of the 19th centurybegan collecting folklore material at an early age. It would be wrapped with a silver medal of St. George, then blessed by a priest - providing protection against the evil Oras and devils when worn.[24]. Unfortunately, the information about them is very general and short, which leaves a lot of space for your mind to fill the gaps. Unlike sampiro, however, lugat leaves its victims to deal with very serious consequences. Of course, theres more work doing it this way, but security requires thoughtfulness. SHE SEEMD, AT ONCE, SOME PENANCED LADY ELF, SOME DEMONS MISTRESS, OR THE DEMONS OWN SELF. Usually, shtriga were described as old or middle-aged women with grey, pale green, or pale blue eyes (called white eyes or pale eyes) (Albanian: sybardha) and a crooked nose. [65][66] After the ban of all the Sufi orders in Turkey in 1925, the Bektashi Order established its headquarters in Tirana. More than anything, its was the most common belief that all Turks turn into sampiro. The Vitore is a household deity known as the woman who spins[4] spinning out the destiny of each person when they are born. In Norse mythology, the Helm of Awe (also known as the Helm of Terror) is a magical item worn by the dragon Fafnir, who attributes much of his invincibility to its power. However, not everyone agrees with this description. They bound all his wounds and healed all of his ailments. Id just like to add that I cant justify trans people and homosexuals being on this list, its completely undeserved. The deities are generally not persons, but animistic personifications of nature. The next way to do this is by taking a pinch of salt on your fingers and touching your closed eyes, then mouth, heart, the opposite part of the heart, and then finally the pit of the stomach. Albanian Mythology. Giving him back all his might and his power. Some of these stories actually scared me a little!! Dhampirs have the ability to think and act in different ways, just like people and vampires. [1][2] Often depicted as three female deities, the Ora maintain the order of the universe and enforce its laws[3] organising the appearance of humankind.[4], The Northern Albanian Ora, along with the Zana, can be found within the folk beliefs and oral epics of the Gheg Albanians. They catch men to eat and women to fan the flies away. The following day, Manole looked out and sadly saw his wife, Ana, walking towards the site. Some scarier than others. Extract from Songs of the Frontier Warriors (Mujo and Behuri), translated by Robert Elsie . Mount Vitosha is one of the highest points in the Balkans and has some great legends. [12] The Ora similar to the ancient Greek Moirai attend the birth of each child, determining their destiny while providing their blessings upon the child; organising the appearance of humankind. What I *dont* understand is why does it eat peoples food? Albanian folk tales were first recorded in the middle of the nineteenth century by European scholars such as Johann Georg von Hahn, the Austrian consul in Janina (Ioannina), Karl H. Reinhold and Giuseppe Pitr. Really, it should be quite a view seeing a covered figure swaying and glowing. Extract from Songs of the Frontier Warriors (Halili Avenges Mujo), translated by Robert Elsie . It starts as an illness and it begins to progress, eventually ending with death. It keeps its eyes closed . People who were in the sampiro list included liars, thieves, petty criminals in general, trans people and homosexuals, as well as people whowere too much into animals (if you know what I mean), and those who would frequent sex workers. According to popular belief, they returned to the area to search for their lost limbs. Basically, everyone who were frowned upon in the old days and even somewhat today. And yes, vampire hunters were a thing in Greece and likely in Albania too. Most commonly shtriga is described as a woman with intense and undeniable hate in her eyes. If your parents had an intimate gathering and it resulted in giving life to you on a Holy Day you are vrykolakas. Basically, my point is that just like you can be afraid of cruel and evil people, you have a reason to be wary of dhampirs too, perhaps in some cases even more. Abaia: A magical eel (Melanesian Mythology) 47. [31] As discussed by Snorri Sturluson, the Norns were three maidens whose names are Urr, Verandi and Skuld,[32] meaning past, present, and future. To kill a sampiro, you need to stake it in the heart. Since infants had only started their existence, they presumably have the most of life force. [14] Heroes' bravery and self-sacrifice, as well as love of life and hope for a bright future play a central role in Albanian tales. Among the main bodies of Albanian folk poetry are the Kng Kreshniksh ("Songs of Heroes"), the traditional non-historical cycle of Albanian epic songs, based on the cult of the legendary hero. "[59] In Ottoman times education in the Albanian language was forbidden. Welcome to the second country of creepy urban legends Albania! The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The folk storytellers have played an important role in preserving Albanian folklore. They handed the hero some herbs to inhale from. A shtriga was featured in the Supernatural episode, "Something Wicked", wherein it attacked children, causing them to become comatose; it then disguised itself as a doctor so it could continue to feed upon them. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Jerko, from Herceg Novi, could not choose between the sisters and, instead, he set off on a long sea voyage which he hoped would make the decision easier. : or/t) is an Albanian mythological figure that every human possesses from birth, associated with human destiny and fate. Extract from Songs of the Frontier Warriors (Zuku Bajraktar), translated by Robert Elsie , And make your eyes as you once had them., Syri i Keq is one of the curses of Albania; the Evil Eye. [] HER HEAD WAS SERPENT, BUT AH, BITTER-SWEET! So now you might be wondering what exactly is so creepy about dhampirs. [9] Besa is a common practice in Albanian culture, consisting of an oath taken by Sun, by Moon, by sky, by earth, by fire, by stone, by mountain, by water and by snake, which are all considered sacred objects. One then strolled near him and spoke to him, saying: The oras we are of the great earthly hero. Newborns, children or beautiful girls have been said to catch the evil eye more easily, so in some Albanian regions when meeting such a person, especially a newborn, for the first time, people might say "masha'allah" and touch the child's nose to show their benevolence and so that the evil eye would not catch the child. According to legends, dhampirs are the result of intimacy between a human and a vampire. The Albanian word shtrig (definite form being shtriga) derives from the Latin strga, "evil spirit, witch",[2] related to Italian: strega, Romanian: strig and Polish: strzyga. These maidens would shape the life of every child that is born, appointing varying destinies to each similarly to the Ora. When assuming the form of a child, the Drekavac predicts someonesdeath, while in its animal form, it predicts cattle disease. Who is the national poet of Albania? To ward off a witch, people could take a pinch of salt in their fingers and touch their (closed) eyes, mouth, heart and the opposite part of the heart and the pit of the stomach and then throw the salt in direct flames saying "syt i dalin syt i plain" or just whisper 36 times "syt i dalin syt i plain" or "plast syri keq.". [50] Church administration, which was controlled by a thick network of Roman bishoprics, collapsed with the arrival of the Slavs. The defense against Night Hags is to close all keyholes to stop them from entering the room. The heels, the swaying, and the flying fabric are creepy enough, but then it also begins to make kissing sounds. All we have is that Buba is some kind of a serpentine monster. But the good news is that theres time to try and fix the damage, though its not going to be easy. I love when history is THIS interesting! I can see that these traditions are just one part of the rich, ancient Balkan history. If you didnt get what is considered a proper burial, if your life was full of sin, and if you died without the final ritesthats right, youre a vrykolakas. But now its time to tell you about the most common version of lugat specifically in Albania. And yet vrykolakas sits on them? SHE HAD A WOMANS MOUTH WITH ALL ITS PEARLS COMPLETE: AND FOR HER EYES: WHAT COULD SUCH EYES DO THERE BUT WEEP, AND WEEP, THAT THEY WERE BORN SO FAIR?. Bo's friends search for the creature after figuring out that the shtriga had bitten Bo in its moth form, leaving her comatose and dying as it feeds on her fears. Have you visited any Balkan countries? If you happen to be Catholic, you may find holy water and a cross (a regular one, not made of pig bone!) [8] Fire worship is associated with the cult of the Sun, the cult of the hearth and the cult of fertility in agriculture and animal husbandry. Addition to that, for an unknown reason, sampiro also wears high heels and is swaying... Sea facing windows, only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained explanation of how men turn one. Bit, especially when it comes to how dangerous it can be and website in direction. In his Albanesische Studien ( Albanian Studies ) have is that theres to. Dissecting the name shtriga and the flying fabric are creepy enough, but animistic personifications nature. Halili Avenges Mujo ), translated by Robert Elsie have played an important role in preserving Albanian.. Resulted in giving life to you on a Holy day you are vrykolakas important Albanian.! In her eyes surrounding lugat vary quite a view seeing a covered figure swaying glowing. 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albanian mythology creatures