Should we permit the sale to go through? While many in the government favor outright annexation, calling it the "Return to the historical borders", some others are worried about the effect of trying to integrate so many non-Hungarians into our state. Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. They clearly believe that we will argue their case in the upcoming conference. Our forces have taken full control. ago its best for negotiations to break down and war to start so you can retain the permenant -50% justification time you lose the bonus in every other outcome While these people claim they have nothing to do with the Hungarian government, they were found with equipment carrying official Hungarian markings.War is in the air, but we might be able to effect a diplomatic solution if we can secure the backing of a major nation. They have been very quiet about the exact reasons for their decision, but our intelligence service suspects a lack of readiness in their armed forces as the reason. Our Hungarian comrades suggest we put pressure on Romania to return those territories to their rightful owners. Each of the following countries in order has an opportunity to refuse: sets country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused", The refusing country sets country flag: "HUN_refused", Does not have country flag "HUN_rearmament_refused", Every country with the country flag "HUN_refused" gets the country event, clears country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused", Sets country flag: "HUN_rearmament_refused". It appears that our warning to Hungary has fallen on deaf ears. As far as they are concerned, these territories are under illegal occupation, and they give us one final opportunity to withdraw from the areas. In return, we would have to guarantee the communists seats in government. 83% with the German focus condition and world tension isn't over 20. A letter by an anonymous group of Army officers has been leaked to the press, stating that a large number of soldiers would be willing to go to Hungary to fight, if the government would let them.The government has met to discuss a number of options. If you just want free land and no war, just ask for Northern Transylvania. Game without gameplay mods . Despite a personal appeal by the Hungarian King, parliament has voted to deny any kind of support to Sweden. Pretty low. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And so romania refused my demands, so the mediation event popped up, and I picked germany as mediator. Hungarian recon planes have penetrated our airspace dozens of times in the last few hours. With the recent shifts in the political situation, they have once again decided to advance their claims, demanding that we turn over the whole of Transylvania to them or else. Questions, Paradox It has been agreed that, as representatives of the Hungarian side, we are permitted to make the first offer. A conqueror is always a lover of peace, he would prefer to take over the country unopposed. [From.GetLeader] reportedly demanded that the [From.GetAdjective] military prepare a plan for intervention at once. At the end of the Great War, Romania illegally seized a number of territories, including Bessarabia and Transylvania. The Romanian ambassador has asked for his passport. Who should we approach to argue our case? Information, Frequently Asked It appears that [From.GetLeader] never intended to keep his word. If Reintegrate the Railroads was completed in addition to the high Austrian opinion, the chance for the referendum to succeed is 76%. R5: Romania, as my puppet, refused to give up Transylvania to Hungary. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has notified us that the territorial integrity of Slovakia is not up for discussion. Our Plenipotentiary has taken residence in Bratislava, ensuring that the Slovakian government will closely align their policies with our own. Today, the Hungarian ambassador has handed over an official note, formally requesting that we declare our position towards the Empire. Despite heavy political pressure from [From.From.GetNameDef], [From.GetNameDef] has categorically refused to discuss the issue. If you're playing multi w/Hungary, then all of Transylvania. Czechoslovakia also joined the war (supporting Romania). Long range air strikes and close air support have both been identified as key areas in which we are critically deficient. Valve Corporation. Our recent decision to abandon the Treaty of Trianon has been met with a surprisingly strong rebuttal by [From.GetNameDef]. Do not know what's wrong . This the the boring section of your game. The soldiers of the former Czech Army have sworn an oath to their new King and Emperor, and the civil administration of the realms has been fully integrated. Just a cautionary tale. Should we permit the sale to go through? ~5.6% chance if Germany is working on one of the focuses and world tension is over 20. Negotiations between the Great Powers have broken down completely, as the two nations have been unable to find any common ground. Question in the title. Hungary has also tied their commitment to a return of southern Slovakia to their control. [SOV.GetNameDefCa] has agreed, in principle, that Bessarabia should remain with us, but an "independent border commission" made up by officials from the Soviet Union and Tannu Tuva has come to the conclusion that most of Transylvania should go to Hungary. Germany has been brought in to mediate our territorial dispute with Hungary, and at the Second Vienna Award they outrageously decided that all of Transylvania should be restored to Hungarian rule! As they c. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. At a rally in Budapest last evening, the crowds reportedly shouted "Death to [From.From.GetNameDef]!" It is possible that [HUN.GetLeader] still has designs on our territories. When that will be is still unknown. The terms of the treaty negotiated in the recent conference have not been met with acceptance by the Romanian government. We can't be seen to deny the people a choice, but we can't trust them to make the right one. id 111 - 120 edit edit source id Communist Ultimatum This is a community maintained wiki. BTW I love your mod as it is, its great, but would like those addition if you can. The Hungarian government has not even bothered to formally inform us of their decision. The Hungarians are not pleased, but hopefully this will settle the matter once and for all. While the [From.GetAdjective] government accepts, in principle, that nations should be permitted to choose their own destiny, we must urge the government of [HUN.GetNameDef] in the strongest possible terms to abide by the treaty. I think the factories spent on that would have been better spent on improving output. Question. [From.GetName] Joins the [Root.GetFactionName]! [HUN.GetLeader] today publicly stated that he no longer considers [HUN.GetNameDef] bound by the treaty. It seems that they are still afraid that we will use our weapons against them.With all diplomatic avenues blocked, we will have to wait and see if we will get another opportunity in the future to revisit the issue. Specifically, they want to reintroduce conscription and expand their military industries. In a tense meeting with [YUG.GetLeader], our delegation was told that the sovereignty of the Vojvodina was not up for discussion, and that in any event the [YUG.GetAdjective] government would never bow to such pressure. A compromise solution, unpopular but acceptable to both sides, should be preferred to avoid insulting one side to the point of refusing the settlement.". [GER.GetNameDef] Drives [TUR.GetNameDef] to Join the [ENG.GetFactionName], [ENG.GetAdjective] Parliament Debates Intervention in Scandinavia, [ENG.GetAdjective] Parliament Debates Intervention in the Benelux, [ENG.GetNameDef] Pressures [Spain.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Exerts Influence in [TUR.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Exerts Influence in [GRE.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Announces Balkan Diplomatic Initiative, [GRE.GetNameDef] Resists [GER.GetAdjective] Pressure, [JAP.GetAdjective] Build-up On [CHI.GetAdjective] Border, [GER.GetNameDef] Seeks Scandinavian Support, [GER.GetAdjective] Interest in Scandinavia, [GER.GetAdjective] Pressure Towards the Benelux, [AST.GetNameDef] Assumes Responsibility for Colonial Holdings, [AST.GetNameDef] Joins the [SOV.GetFactionName], [NZL.GetNameDef] Submits to [AST.GetAdjective] Influence, [AST.GetNameDef] Assumes Control of Southeast Asian Colonies, [AST.GetNameDef] and [JAP.GetNameDef] Announce Alliance, [AST.GetNameDef] Establishes Sphere of Influence, [USA.GetNameDef] Joins [AST.GetAdjective] Defense Initiative, [USA.GetNameDef] and [CAN.GetNameDef] Formalize Alliance. Creating Transylvania in the Peace Conference worked. This page was last edited on 14 March 2021, at 14:58. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Despite the written promise of [From.GetLeader], the German government has not honored their commitments to us. In the early morning hours, the delegations at the conference have succeeded at hammering out a compromise. Then the event somehow decided to give me north transylvania again, even though I already control it? The Hungarian offer of a referendum has put us in a tight spot internationally. The [From.GetAdjective] ambassador has arrived at our Foreign Office this morning, informing us that his government watches the current crisis with grave concern. Hungary has recently started to feel out its neighbours about revising some of the restrictions placed on it after the last war. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. We must either go to war to defend our honor and credibility, or accept that we have been outmaneuvered. [SOV.GetLeader] personally assured our delegation that no further territorial claims will be made against us, at least not by the Comintern. Questions, Paradox What result do we want from the referendum? Many in the government favor a strong reply. Negotiations through back channels with [From.GetNameDef] have led to an agreement, in principle, that Yugoslavia should be either dismantled entirely or at least severely reduced in size.With our new backers, we can now negotiate with the [YUG.GetAdjective] government from a position of overwhelming strength. More than that, he declared it null and void, claiming that it was forced on Hungary at gun point and therefore never legally binding. Our own intelligence service reports large troop movements towards the borders and air raid sirens howling in Budapest. Seeing how we, too, have contested territories with [YUG.GetNameDef], we could join forces and issue a strong ultimatum, but it might force us to go to war over it. [CAN.GetNameDef] and [MEX.GetNameDef] Unite! They strongly believe that they should have full control over the fate of Slovakia, seeing how Slovakia used to be part of Hungary during the days of the Empire.While the Hungarian delegation shied away from issuing any explicit threats, our intelligence service reports an unsettling amount of activity inside the Hungarian military. Who should we approach? With the recent, dramatic shifts in the political landscape of the Balkans, the question of our relationship with the new Austro-Hungarian Empire has come up repeatedly. It is clear that they don't intend on letting us rearm, but they want us to be the ones who walk out of the talks. The Habsburgs claim that, as old crown lands, Bohemia and Moravia belong to them.However, [HUN.GetLeader] has indicated that he would accept a compromise solution, with himself nominally head of state of our country, but with very little real power. Hungary is now allowed to rearm freely and develop all manners of military equipment, including tanks and planes.While it has been an open secret that Hungary has been expanding its army, this new agreement will soon bring them to the point where they could be a military threat to us once again. The [ROM.GetAdjective] government has refused to negotiate the contested territories. "However, the reaction in Budapest has been very muted in response. Would it just be better to accept the compromise for N. Transylvania and then take the rest when I attack Yugoslavia( Romania guarantees them)? Our Hungarian comrades suggest we put pressure on Romania to return those territories to their rightful owners. Unsurprisingly, they have demanded that the entirety of Transylvania is turned over to Hungary as soon as feasible. Questions, Paradox A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. It is not what we hoped for, but a realistic assessment of the situation points towards this being the best possible outcome. I might use your strategy hahah. More posts from the hoi4 community. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. We are now in full control of the area. Twice without knowing about this guide and the 3rd time doing everything the guide said and immediately I failed again. [GER.GetLeader] has signed the secret Treaty of Berlin, in which the German government agrees to split [CZE.GetNameDef] into two spheres of interest and promises to respect any decision made with regards to Slovakia. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you just want free land and no war, just ask for Northern Transylvania. A spy was captured (losing the opportunity to complete the collaboration mission). A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. HOI4 Event ID List | HOI4 Cheats HOI4 Console Commands Hearts of Iron IV Event IDs Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). With their air force, I couldn't get the air superiority to launch my Para assault (but having them join was enough by itself). Following discussion at the highest level that ran late into the night, the [CZE.GetAdjective] government has decided to accept our offer and proclaimed [HUN.GetLeader] the King of Bohemia and Margrave of Moravia. Steps to Reproduce - Have germany give you north transylvania through the first vienna award. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has made it clear that they won't move one bit from their position of maintaining the status quo.We can either accept this or try to gain support from a third party. The international arms inspectors have left the country, and the war ministry has drawn up initial plans for a modest expansion of our armed forces. Should we resist? In a personal letter, [From.GetLeader] has urged us to reconsider our stance on the Hungarian Rearmament Issue. An example of the plane has already arrived to train mechanics on its maintenance, and a full set of drawings and blueprints is expected shortly. Romania is currently at war against Italy with France and Britain, if that matters. [YUG.GetNameDef] has agreed to cede the Vojvodina to us. Please see the. If we agree, which part should we demand? Communist strategy worked on first attempt. The AI has a default weight of 10, corresponding to a 10% chance, to select this option. The [CZE.GetAdjective] government has reportedly refused the offer of a guarantee, on account of the 'unbearable' concessions asked in return.However, our ambassador to [SOV.GetNameDef] reports that there is heavy activity in the [SOV.GetAdjective] foreign ministry. Basically non-historical, pray Poland doesn't form miedzymorze, and for some reason the French aren't called in even though they guarantee them. The contribution of Romania was significant as it provided oil for Germany and over a million men for Operation Barbarossa. In response to our military preparations, [ROM.GetLeader] has signed General Order No. and [HUN.GetLeader] publicly vowed that any attempt to stop Hungary from reclaiming its rightful place in the world would be met with "a war the likes the world has never seen, a war that will make the great slaughter of 1914 to 1918 look like a mere bar fight".We are at a crossroads. Negotiations between the Great war, just ask for Northern Transylvania in government, Paradox it has been muted... Has been agreed that, as representatives of the restrictions placed on it after the war... Operation Barbarossa accept that we declare our position towards the Empire written promise of [ From.GetLeader ] never intended keep. Decision to abandon the treaty of Trianon has been very muted in response to our military,... 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hoi4 romania refuses to give up transylvania