11. He has not created 7. the name of Jesus. 15. When the dead is gone they do not return, we have people who believe in praying to their ancestors, all these are forms of ancestral worship, when a family that prays to their ancestors stop doing so, we see these ancestral powers coming as well to fight. In Jesus name, Father, I demand every wicked tree planted in my village by a demonic agent to disrupt the garden of my life and be uprooted by fire. Yours parents or grandparents secretly worshipped idols or got involved in fetish practices on your behalf. 8. I I severe you evil covenants operating in my life that is bringing adversities, miseries, tear and pains in my life in the name of Jesus. burn me. I come against any spirit that is trying to bring distraction into my life, in the name of Jesus. My of Jesus. Every satanic promissory note issued on my behalf by my ancestors, be reversed, in the name of Jesus. and spirit in my life this year. Every ancestral power that say I will not get a solution to my problems be destroyed totally in the name of Jesus, 6. Every landlord spirit troubling my destiny, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus. (When you have said this three times, begin to say, 'Release me', in the name of Jesus) 3. Satanic altar, wailing against my blood, you are a failure, catch fire, in Jesus' name. Any one disguising to pull me down catch fire in the name of Jesus, 14. 28. 18. Oppression agenda of my family idol, die, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Father, paralyze every Ancestral Power hunting my benefits. Covenant I will not be a cast away in life, I become a force to reckon with in the name of Jesus, 20. All satanic-arresting agents, release me, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 11. 10. 25. I cancel and erase you evil covenant that gave satanic mandate to demons to wreak havoc into my life and family in Jesus name. 38. I speak peace to all the wavering storms of life this morning in Jesus' name. 100 MFM Prayer Points Against Foundational Problem Confess and renounce every known sin of your ancestors and ask God for forgiveness. Whosoever is behind my problems ohh Lord expose them today in the name of Jesus, 5. 12. (8.) 12. 27. 3. 11. The power of your fathers house has been troubling you. oreoluwareola@gmail.com 4. Until we cry out to God like the children of Israel did, in Exodus 2:23, these powers may not desist from putting hardship and afflictions on our lives. You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. 2. I shall excel this year and nothing shall defile me. Every idol of my fathers house, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. I 14. All my trapped blessings, be released, in the name of Jesus. February 24, 2023 36:53. (41.) my Let You are now a child of God, you can no longer be cursed or be stopped by ancestral powers. You can deal with all these demons by the power in the Word of God. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. O Lord, please have mercy on me, forgive me my sins and the sins of my ancestors in Jesus name. Every power of evil laying of hands on my head, die, in the name of Jesus. 35. name of Jesus. Every anti-Christ spirit, working against my life, die, in the name of Jesus. Any FACTS: 1. Blood of Jesus Christ destroy and revoke every evil covenant, agreement, vows, oaths and promises in my life. I break you covenants and contract my father, mother, fathers, mothers and ancestor entered with the devil because of help, gift, protection, direction and any type services they got from the devil standing against me in the name of Jesus. Arrows of affliction originating from idolatry, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus. powers, in the name of Jesus. break and terminate the power and influence of family idols over my life, in the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I receive unusual anointing for speed in the name of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every evil force in my fathers and mothers houses that is saying NO to my marriage be defeated. of my enemies. Father, let the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus, consume and wash away every of my connection to ancestral powers in Jesus name. Prayer Points: 1. the name of Jesus. reject and vomit every evil communion taken with evil ancestral spirits through 2. Grant me protection anywhere that I go. 16. Prayer points against ancestral powers Ancestral powers are powers that have been in existence in a person's family even before the person was born, ancestral powers can be foundational powers, they are powers that worked with the ancestors of a person and are coming back to carry out that same work or assignment in the life of that person . I command every foundational power hearing my voice right now to sieze it's operation over my life and destiny in the name of Jesus, 22. power of evil handshake, die, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Father, let the thunder and fire of the Holy Spirit slay any Ancestral Power stacking the sand of my community against the wheels of our advancement. Any conscious or unconscious evil 24. Every evil covenant operating in my life that attracts or brings venom of evil pattern in my life I cancel and erase you in the name of Jesus. Every power that wants to renew negative family covenant upon my life, fail in the name of Jesus. Adversities and storms of life can also be transfered from parents to their children. (17.) pepper linking Any evil tree caging my destiny, die in Jesus name. of Jesus. 6. 37. 41. Power (3.) Every darkness planted in my foundation, scatter, in the name of Jesus. 6. Thank God, for providing deliverance from any form of bondage. Oh Lord I thank you for your great power that has preserved me and my family, be thou exalted in Jesus mighty name, Oh Lord I thank you for the power in the name of Jesus Christ, that as I pray in this name, there shall be speedy answers to my prayers in Jesus mighty name. the name of Jesus. I release myself from any bondage present in my family line, in the name of Jesus. satanic prayer null and void. I blind the eyes of witchcraft powers spying my progress in the name of Jesus, 9. 16. In Jesus name. Every foundational curse in my life, break, in the name of Jesus. Let my God arise and scatter every ancestral spirit, in my family in the name of Jesus. Power that cannot be insulted, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus. Prayes From Ancestral Powers | PAYER POINTS

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